Tag Archives: custom orders

A farewell to… er… yarn?

The title of this blog post is not quite accurate.

There is no way I’m giving up yarn. Or knitting for that matter.

Extreme winter patterns of an Arctic nature would need to occur in a metaphysical location routinely associated with brimstone before that would happen. And even then I’d probably just be knitting socks and shawls as the flames froze.

But I digress.

I am giving up something and that something is custom orders. For the foreseeable future at least.

Because I just got some awesome news which I should really have posted about a few days ago: I’m going back to university to do Honours.

I’m planning to write something about 19th century literature, female representation and the gendering of literary techniques.

Hopefully it should be a lot of fun but what it will most definitely be is hard work.

Between that, finishing my novel (I feel so pretentious writing that word. But it’s nearly there and the more I mention it, the more impetus I have to actually finish the blasted thing.) and looking after three children I am realistically not going to have time to take on any further custom orders.

I’ve got a few orders backed up at the moment (sorry, guys. Half term madness.) Those will be finished but when they’re done, custom orders shall bid a sad adieu.

Sewing like a dervish doesn’t really mix well with close analysis of the use of pathetic fallacy in Middlemarch.

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