Monthly Archives: February 2012

Unravel Day One

Haven’t got any photos to share – I posted a few from my mobile on Twitter this morning. The stand has been busy today with lots of lovely people stopping by to chat, check out patterns, pet bags and fondle stitch markers.

Highlights of the day include:

  • bumping into people who remembered The Bothered Owl being there last year. Quite a few people send Hellos and best wishes to Alex and Scott. Which was nice!
  • seeing the most INCREDIBLY intricate and delicate lace black knee length cardigan. The lady who knitted it said that the most amazing thing about knitting it was that her marriage had survived her knitting it! It must have taken months of ‘Just five more rows’. Very impressive. Even more impressive was Anna looking at it and identifying exactly which Rowan pattern it was. Heh.
  • seeing so many familiar faces.  I love doing shows because it gives me a chance to see the wonderful group of indie dyers, makers and crafters who have stalls. They’re a lovely bunch, some of the nicest, warmest people you could ever hope to meet. But I also LOVE that I recognise so many of the people who come to the shows as customers. There are so many people who walk past the stall and smile or wave, comment on how much Elias has grown or even pull out a project bag or something I’ve made and wave it at me! It feels so good to be a part of this wonderful woolly community!
  • the buzz of chatter in the room. The atmosphere at Unravel is just amazing. So many smiling faces and enthusiastically chatting people, talking about their projects, admiring each other’s shawls or cardigans, squealing over each other’s purchases or the samples/patterns/yarn they’ve just spotted. Delightful.
  • Anna teaching a lovely lady how to do a new kind of twisted stitch. It made me laugh because I keep telling Anna she needs to put together a class on decreases and twisted stitches.  It also made me laugh because neither of us could find yarn or needles to demonstrate the technique!

I will TRY my best to take some photographs tomorrow. I’m hoping we’ll each get a touch more time to escape the stand and go exploring. If you’re coming along, do swing by the stall and say hallo. We’re in the Tannery by the entrance to the Best in Show area. We’re very friendly and we love to meet new yarny people. I mostly promise that Elias won’t bite you.

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Filed under markets, Unravel