Category Archives: fabric

Unravelling post-Unravel

Hard to believe Unravel was a fortnight ago, eh!

It’s been a bloody busy two weeks.


Got home, all fired up to crack on with the insane number of custom orders I’ve got on the go, to the news that our soon-to-be-reopened community preschool would not be re-opening as we had lost our room.  (I say ‘lost’. What I actually mean is that someone offered the landlord double the amount of rent we were paying and they decided to give the room to them instead. If I sound bitter about it, that’s probably because I am.)

So most of the first week after Unravel was spent helping my friend who has poured her time and energy into trying to get the preschool up and running again as she sold off all the equipment and furniture to other preschools. It was a pretty horrible week. We’re all fairly devestated about it as we were one of the last remaining community preschools (ie a charity, not for profit organisation) in the area. It’s really sad but indicative perhaps of how the world is these days that the landlord went with a private and presumably profitable private nursery over a not for profit community preschool. But hey, I’m biased. And as mentioned before, also bitter!

Then we had a seventh birthday to contend with. Hard to believe that the tiny little lump I brought home from hospital just five minutes ago is now almost up to my shoulder and as cheeky as all get out. DSC03546

I made a terrible birthday cake this year. Or rather the cake itself was delicious but the aesthetic was less than pleasing. I made a perfect pirate cake which came out of the pirate cake tin immaculately. And then without thinking about it I smothered it in chocolate buttercream frosting and dumped a bunch of multicoloured sprinkles all over it. It ended up resembling some kind of misshapen chocolatey lump.  It tasted really good though.

We weren’t quite together enough to organise a birthday party so instead she asked if we could go to the Natural History Museum on the weekend. We had a lovely day, the kids played with some skulls and identified animals by their teeth which was seventeen different flavours of awesome!


We got them all right too. I’m wearing my unbearably smug mum face right now.

And then we had World Book Day. Thank goodness for the girls being a little older now and for a well stocked dress up box. They picked out who they wanted to be and then I pointed them in the direction of the dress ups with fun results:




Pippi Longstocking and Mr Nilsson the monkey.

Pippi Longstocking and Mr Nilsson the monkey.



Somewhere in the midst of all this I managed to find time to cut out all the custom orders I took at Unravel plus a couple of extras

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and today I had a chance to get started on sewing them. 2013-03-08_12-30-08_633 2013-03-08_12-31-29_866 2013-03-08_12-31-48_876 2013-03-08_17-45-15_179 2013-03-08_17-46-32_220

I’ve only got three Unravel orders left to finish and then I plan to post things tomorrow – there was no way I was adding a long walk to the Post Office in the rain to my list of accomplishments for the week.

Once I get these knocked on the head, I have plans to get cracking on new stock for the shop as Unravel has cleared me out of pretty much everything and I bought some shiny new fabrics for the stash!

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Yes, that is HULK and Wolverine on fabric. I can’t wait for a chance to start hacking them up and making shiny things from them.

Custom orders first though.

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Filed under crafty life, custom orders, fabric, Unravel